A family or student can enroll in any of the counseling sessions. To register, please use the form below:

Name of Student:*
Name of Parent:*
Parent's Email:*
Home Phone Number:*
Parent's Phone Number:*
Student's Cell Number:*
Student's Email:*
Student's School:*
Current Grade:*
Year of Graduation:*
Service you want to enroll in:*

- By checking the box below, you are expressly agreeing Cambridge College Consultants can bill your account.

- By checking the box below, you are agreeing that Cambridge College Consultants cannot guarantee your success due to many factors that are beyond their control.

Please save the info below:

Payments may be made by wire transfer to:

Cambridge College Consultants, LLC
Fifth Third Bank, Cincinnati, OH, USA

US clients can also pay with a check:

Payable to Cambridge College Consultants, LLC
8025 Brill Road, Cincinnati, OH 45243